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Модульный уличный диван

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 14.09.2023
  dead-line подачи проектов: 14.09.2023
  тема: Дизайн
  страна: Италия
  открыт для: дизайнеров
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  организатор: 3MPlast
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  3MPlast Outdoor Modular Sofa
  Платформа Desall проводит конкурс совместно с производственной компанией 3MPlast. Участникам предстоит спроектировать модульный пластиковый диван для использования на открытом воздухе. Нужно предусмотреть возможность созданий различных по форме, высоте и размерам конфигураций – от одноместного до многоместного дивана с журнальным столиком.

Источник: desall.com
New product design contest on Desall.com: 3MPlast and Desall invite you to design a chic and versatile modular outdoor sofa made of polymeric materials that can be customised to meet individual preferences and requirements.

We seek a new modular plastic sofa for outdoor use, comprising a series of modules enabling various configurations with different shapes, heights, and dimensions – ranging from a single seat to a multi-seat sofa with a coffee table.

You are invited to design an outdoor sofa that can be assembled and disassembled with ease by combining a series of modular parts.
The parts required to assemble the sofa are:

1. Backrest: may or may not be connected to the seat.
2. Armrest: may or may not be connected to the seat.
3. Seat: without backrest and armrests, it can become a small table or a stool.
4. Legs: can be connected to the seat. Two identical legs can be combined to form a higher leg and obtain furniture with different heights.
5. Cushions: removable upholstered fabric components for seating and back support.

The module designs must offer a high degree of versatility and practicality. For example, two backrests can be combined on one seat to form a corner module, or different seats can be linked together. This allows for various configurations such as an armchair, a two-seater, an L-shaped or irregularly-shaped sofa, a sofa paired with a matching coffee table, or a single or double sunlounger, etc.

The sofa can be used without cushions, with just one cushion for sitting, or with two cushions – one for the seat and one for the backrest. To enhance comfort when using the sofa without cushions, additional plastic components can be integrated into the design.


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