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Art On The Top

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 07.05.2023
  dead-line подачи проектов: 10.05.2023
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Италия
  открыт для: студентов и молодых художников, архитекторов, дизайнеров (до 35 лет)
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от €50
  награда: призовой фонд - €8000
  организатор: Collywood
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Конкурс арт-инсталляций
  Цель проекта Art On The Top – создать на территории одной из знаковых природных достопримечательностей мира, Болонских холмов, несколько художественных инсталляций, которые подчеркнули бы ценность и красоту природы и необходимость ее защиты. В конкурсе можно участвовать индивидуально или в составе команды (как минимум один участник должен быть моложе 35 лет).

Источник: artonthetop.it
We live in a time of disconnection between humans and nature. It is a time where the transformations caused by humans have reached such a scale and magnitude that determine landscape and the balances of the planet for the first time in the history of Earth.

Pollution, land consumption, climate change: the connection between humans and the ongoing transformations is not in doubt anymore. Yet, there is the question whether they can be reversible and if something can be done to defend the shelter of species on this planet.

To answer these questions, a collective awareness is needed: an awareness directing the public towards rediscovering the value of the natural environment and thus playing an active part in its protection and enhancement.

Art On The Top is a project aiming to bring to one of the most iconic and beloved natural contexts in the world- Bologna’s hills- some artistic and performative episodes to rediscover the value of nature and the need to protect it.

The artistic installations Art On The Top wishes to create are installations that can become the manifesto of a rediscovered balance between humans and natural environment by generating site specific installation routes that enhance the place and amplify beauty and aesthetics.

Reinterpreted in a design workshop for the creativity of young talents, the hills will continue their journey through culture and collective sentiment and will become an innovative destination by welcoming installations and artistic experimentations about nature and the natural environment.

It is an ambitious project which aims to increase public awareness of the value of nature structuring and designing what will become over time one of the most renowned cultural places of the international scenario.


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