Конкурс посвящен проектированию модульных зданий. На первом этапе участники предложат свои идеи по созданию ретрит-центра в Бангладеше. На втором в формате воркшопа финалисты будут работать над проектом, который в итоге планируется реализовать.
Источник: archtwist.com
“Flexible Retreat” is a two stage architectural Competition organized by ArchTwist Ltd in association with Suvastu Properties Ltd. In the first stage, participants are asked to submit creative design concepts for a modular building system within the framework of Bangladesh’s tourism industry. The submitted entries will go through an extensive jury evaluation process where winners will be selected based on judging criteria.
In the second stage, the winning entries will go through a co-operative and iterative process with industry professionals and craftsmen to build at least one of the winning entries in a specified site. The designers will be incorporated in every step of the building process and be an integral part of the design team.