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Концептуальный конкурс жилой архитектуры 2023

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 30.11.2022
  dead-line подачи проектов: 30.11.2022
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Тайвань
  открыт для: студентов и молодых архитекторов (до 40 лет)
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: призовой фонд - $20 000
  организатор: TRAA - Taiwan Residential Architecture Award
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  2023 International Residential Architecture Conceptual Design Competition
  Участникам необходимо представить свое видение многофункционального здорового дома, способного обеспечить своим владельцам возможности для полноценной жизни, работы, творчества и общения и при этом не оказывающего негативного влияния на окружающую среду.

Источник: en.traa.com.tw
The current global climate crisis and COVID-19 have confronted us with significant changes in how we live together in cities and the countryside. We can’t rely on the social and economic structures of the past anymore. On top on this, real changes need to be bottom up, as governments and large corporations seem to have no interest in taking the lead.

Lockdowns all around the world have illuminated that we need to rely more and more on our homes for our daily, weekly, and monthly routines. We sleep, work, recreate, eat, produce and consume here. Technology is playing an important role to allow this. At the same time, space, sustainability, and health measures have become important topics to consider. Does our internet allow us to have the contact - with our families, friends, colleagues and resources suppliers - that we need? Do we have enough indoor and outdoor space for all the different routine activities that we want to do? Are we able to minimize our impact on the world environment by reducing waste, and by self-production of food and energy? How can we bring changes to our surroundings when constantly being at home, so that we stay psychologically sound and remain inspired?

How can we make a difference to our home environment to answer to all these changes, and to set an example for the leaders in our society about how willingness can lead to something new? Design a multifunctional sustainable and healthy home in the urban or countryside context, which can change the way we live with our families, friends and neighbors. Consider social, economic, sustainability, health, and phycological aspects. Is it possible to give an answer that works globally, or is the cultural and geographical context important to the solutions of tomorrow? What effect will this have on the architectural community at large, and how should it be organized to answer the question?


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