Конкурс оценивает студенческие проекты, конкурсные и дипломные работы. Все конкурсанты получат обратную связь от кураторов, а по итогам состязания будет сформирован мировой рейтинг, куда войдут 100 авторов лучших работ.
The WASA World Architecture Student Award is one of the world's largest architecture student competitions held mainly in Japan, China, the United States, and Europe. This is a contest where you can submit works such as design assignments, competitions, and graduation works created in the past as they are, aiming for the diverse abilities of architectural students. AI and architects will comprehensively calculate the rankings and ability values of successive, world, national, and grade rankings for all participating students and provide feedback. A certificate of merit will be given to excellent works, and the works will be disseminated all over the world to liven up the competition with architectural students and architects from all over the world.