Источник: nisshinkogyo.co.jp
Storm is a natural phenomenon that means blowing of rough and strong winds. It is a word associated with the weather sometimes accompanied by rain, lightning, or snow.
Figuratively, things which are very furious or violently disturbing is often likened to a storm. Storm is a concrete phenomenon, but at the same time it is an abstract concept that indicates fluctuations in society and sense of values or turning points.
It also could be reflecting the changes we are facing today in our lives and generation.
On the other hand, it may be good to give it a thought closer to one’s own sense.
Facing the overwhelming power of nature by the stormy winds and rain, one may sometimes hold an elated or refreshed feeling. Being excited like a child, get soaking wet or imagining the scenery which spreads after the storm. “STORM” can contain various nuances in the spoken context. Frameworks of a “HOUSE” can also be widely captured.
How to interpret the “STORM HOUSE” is up to each person.
Think out of the box.