В этом году конкурсантам предлагается переосмыслить искусственную среду с использованием BIM-технологий, дополненной реальности, виртуальной реальности и т.д. К участию в конкурсе допускаются команды от 3 до 8 человек, в составе которых могут быть только студенты дневного отделения. В команде должны обязательно присутствовать специалисты по архитектуре, инженерии и строительству.
The built environment touches all aspects of our lives as it is where we live, work and play.
The International Building Design Competition (IDBC) 2022 is an open-themed design competition that invites students from Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) all over the world to re-imagine their built environment using technologies like Computational BIM, Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality, Game Engine, Robotic Process Automation, and Common Data Environment platforms.
Participants are free to select a project site of their choice in their country and decide on their preferred building typology for the competition, while taking into account three main aspects in their proposal:
• Sustainable building design
• Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA)
• Integrated Digital Delivery (IDD)
The IBDC 2022 is open to all full-time local and international students from tertiary institutions in their respective countries. Form a team of 3 to 8 members to participate! Multi-disciplinary teams comprising members from a mix of disciplines are encouraged.