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Парк на Влтаве

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 20.05.2022
  dead-line подачи проектов: 20.05.2022
  тема: Ландшафт
  страна: Чехия
  город: Прага
  открыт для: архитекторов, архитектурных бюро
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  организатор: Prague Institute of Planning and Development
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Floodplain park on the Vltava River Competition
  Роганский остров в настоящее время превращается в новый район Праги. Здесь планируется реализация многофункционального проекта – строительство жилья, офисов, ресторанов, магазинов и начальной школы. Самую большую площадь района займет парк, который помимо места для прогулок и отдыха местных жителей будет служить для защиты Праги от наводнений.

Источник: iprpraha.cz
On the right bank of the Vltava River in the neighborhood of Karlín and Libeň, several municipal projects are underway in addition to private investments. The most important one is the Maniny Park project. The new floodplain park should preserve the features of urban wilderness and at the same time, give rise to a new river channel. The park will thus act as flood protection for the city. The 56-hectare area of Rohan and Libeň Island is to undergo a gradual transformation, which will include the creation of a floodplain park on the river and the restoration of the now defunct island that remains part of the name of the area. IPR Prague prepared the initial assignment for the green area, for which the Rohan and Libeň Island Concept Plan will be created and which will set the long-term development of the area. Both the Concept Plan and the landscape design of the Maniny Park will be results of an international competitive dialogue procedure, which we have just launched. The progressive format of the tender, which involves landscape architects, architects, water engineers, local stakeholders and city representatives in continuous lively discussions, is just open. Applications are open until Friday 20 May 2022 at 14.00 CEST via the Tender Arena tool at this link. Feel free to enter!


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