Jiaxing Ancient City Connecting South Lake International Concept Design Competition
Цель конкурса – выбрать лучший проект пешеходного моста, который свяжет старый город Цзясина с Южным озером. Мост будет проходить над рекой и железной дорогой. С одной стороны, новое сооружение должно вписываться в контекст старого города, с другой – привносить дух современности, интегрировать эту территорию в будущее.
Источник: designverse.com.cn
2022 Jiaxing Ancient City Connecting South Lake International Concept Design Competition on Footbridge Crossing Huancheng River and Railway, open to all of the global design agencies and professional designers groups, is an international design competition with focus on concept design for the footbridge crossing Huangcheng River and Shanghai-Kunming Railway that aims to connect Jiaxing’s historic town with South Lake.
The Competition, initiated by Jiaxing City Urban Investment Development Group Co., Ltd. and Young Bird Plan, an international design competition platform, aims at collecting various design ideas through the global designers participating in the Competition whose fields include architecture, landscape, bridge, art, etc. Abundant possibilities will be created for the slow traffic system connecting Jiaxing’s historic town with South Lake. It will create influential urban events and hot academic topics as well.
The construction of the footbridge crossing Huancheng River and Shanghai-Kunming Railway will improve the city quality of Jiaxing Downtown Area, enhance the image of the ancient city central cultural axis, and provide a landscape node for Jiaxing Section of The Grand Canal with pedestrian, sightseeing, travel, view appreciation and connection functions. It will not only respond to the characteristics of the ancient city and its surroundings, but also integrate modernity and adapt to changes in the future.