Конкурсантам предстоит спроектировать туристический комплекс мини-формата – на пять домиков – на песчаном карамельном берегу реки Вента в латвийском городе Скрунда. Основное требование – экологичность, бережное отношение к существующему ландшафту и окружающей среде. Лучшие проекты будут рассмотрены для возможной реализации.
Источник: architecturecompetitions.com
Rural tourism has been a growing trend in recent years. Apart from the blip caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, more and more travellers have been seeking out authentic experiences in nature. This ranges from a night under the stars to living with and helping local communities. It’s a chance for smaller communities to earn an income from rural tourism, everything from organic farms to local shops and regional distilleries.
Modern travellers are putting serious thought into how they can positively or negatively impact environments and communities. As one of the greenest countries in Europe, both literally and figuratively, Latvia is growing in popularity as a destination for rural tourism.
For the Caramel Shore Traveller Rooms competition, Bee Breeders Architecture Competition Organisers are asking participants to design a prototype for a sleeping cabin to be located in the Latvian town of Skrunda, on the golden-sand shores of the Venta River. The Venta River is home to the widest waterfall in Europe, and its brightly yellow caramel color sands make it an idyllic spot for rural tourists to visit.
As the winning design will be considered for construction, project submissions should be unique, creative, environmentally friendly, and sustainably planned.