Конкурс оценивает концепции быстровозводимого жилья, в котором нуждается строительный рынок Индии. Причем качество, несмотря на высокую скорость строительства, должно оставаться на должном уровне. К участию в состязании приглашаются команды, состоящие из архитекторов и инженеров.
Источник: ultratechindianext.com
The need of the hour is speed. So newer methods of construction, design for manufacture and assembly and other technologies from all over the world need to be studied and improvised upon by the participating fraternity. Modularity will be another aspect of building with velocity to meet the year’s targets for the housing units.
The ask is multi-pronged. The design solution would need to be quickly constructible and at the same time it must create nurturing spaces that leave the inhabitants satisfied.
At IndiaNext, it is our firm belief that we do not change the goal post but rather change the way we approach it; making speed, quality and technology the game changers in our quest to meet the SDG targets.