Site Bathhouse international architecture ideas competition
Задача конкурсантов – предложить идеи по созданию бани на руинах крепости Милреу в Португалии. Необходимо гармонично вписать новый объект в существующий ландшафт, бережно отнестись к сохранившимся останкам крепости и подчеркнуть историческую значимость места.
This international one-stage architecture ideas competition invites all architecture students, young architects and young professionals with a degree in architecture studies (≤ 40 years old) to develop and submit compelling ideas for the design of a Site Bathhouse located at the Milreu Fortress, in Ericeira, Portugal.
The Milreu Fortress is a historical landmark located within a remarkable place, a powerful natural scenery where the remains of the Fortress together with the steep cliffs and the immensity of the Atlantic ocean are prominent features within this setting.
When generating a vision for an intervention located within such a remarkable place, it is essential that each design proposal emphasises, respects and celebrates the site and existing ruins, while provide a unique and memorable experience.