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Микродом 2022

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 19.04.2022
  dead-line подачи проектов: 24.05.2022
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Международная
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от €60
  награда: призовой фонд - €6000
  организатор: Bee Breeders
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Microhome 2022 Architecture Competition
  Конкурс мелкомасштабной жилой архитектуры призван доказать, что не всегда большее означает лучшее. Используя нестандартный подход к проектированию, участникам предстоит постараться изменить взгляды следующего поколения на жилую недвижимость. Микродом должен представлять собой модульную конструкцию общей площадью не более 25 м².

Источник: architecturecompetitions.com
связанные события:

Микродом 2021

Микродом 2020

Микродом 2019
The fourth annual MICROHOME architecture competition is part of the Bee Breeders Small Scale Architecture Appreciation Movement, which hopes to highlight the fact that bigger isn’t always better. With great design and innovative thinking, small-scale architecture could change how this and the next generation view residential property.

For the MICROHOME / Edition No 4 architecture competition, participants are invited to submit their designs for a micro home – an off-grid modular structure that would accommodate a hypothetical young professional couple (which will be used as an example of family size throughout the competition series). The only requirement is that the structure’s total floor area does not exceed 25 m2 ; beyond that, participants are encouraged to be as creative as possible.

Participants are encouraged to rethink spatial organisation and incorporate unique aesthetics, new technologies, and innovative materials that will make the micro home an entirely new form of architecture.

As there is no specified competition site, project designs can be set within any hypothetical site of any size, in either a city or countryside location anywhere in the world. The jury will favour sustainable designs and those projects that look to solve economic, social, and cultural problems through the establishment of new architectural methods.


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