Конкурс собирает идеи по наполнению нескольких смежных участков в Бейруте комфортной для жизни и отдыха, экологичной застройкой. Задание – спроектировать жилые, офисные, коммерческие объекты и общественные пространства с минимальным уровнем воздействия на окружающую среду.
The Competition is to design Beirut’s Greener Tomorrow’s buildings. Three small adjacent lots (+300sqm) located in the Quarantina Area of Beirut are to be developed into mixed use (residential, office, commercial and public) varying between four to six floors.
The proposal should fit within the various terms of Green, sustainable, low energy, zero energy or nearly zero energy buildings, bio-climatic Project. As far as Dar[e] (the organizers) are concerned this is summarized by providing maximum users’ comfort while using minimum energy and natural resources, thus having minimum impact onto the environment.
Further design parameters and criteria, along with the corresponding maps, an Autocad file, a concise weather (graphical data) file for Beirut, and your unique registration number will be shared after finalizing registration.