Конкурс посвящен поиску идей по формированию новой жилой и городской среды для постковидной реальности. Необходимо переосмыслить обустройство квартир и домов, школ, общественных пространств, предприятий сферы услуг и т.д.
The MittAffett Cultural Association, in col-laboration with the Municipality of Ceglie Messapica - Department of Beauty, promo-tes the design and drawing competition aimed at all architecture students, young architects, young professionals, visual designers and all artists, called Life Visi-On, New ways of living the city in the post- COVID.
This international competition architecture ideas invites all architecture students, young ar-chitects, young professionals, visual designers and all artists to develop and submit compel-ling ideas for the city of future.
This contest is open to everyone. Mostly all architecture students, young architects, young professionals, visual designers and all artists.