На конкурс принимаются идеи по созданию храма воды в мексиканском поселке Уаска-де-Окампо, где находятся знаменитые базальтовые призмы Санта-Мария-Регла. Колонны вулканического происхождения находятся в ущелье с небольшим живописным водопадом. Храм должен иметь святилище (место для размышлений и уединения, свободное от религиозного подтекста), общественное пространство и информационный центр.
Quechua Architecture Competition, Q.A.C., welcomes all participants to take part of this challenge which consists in presenting and developing a project that explores diverse fields of thinking and design. The challenge for this occasion is “Water Temple”.
As one of the most amazing places in Mexico, the Basaltic Prisms of Santa Maria Regla, represent not only one of the most beatiful places in the world, but a tremendous history; being named as the “first magical town” of Mexico, Huasca de Ocampo is the place where the prisms live and pose for the world.
Since the Basaltic Prisms are a result of volcanic eruptions, the topography itself generates a river that crosses the 4 cascades in the place.
As a result, the water presents a marvelous movement through the very little complex that the prisms are, and present the marvelous challenge to create a site dedicated to the most valuable resource the humanity has, water.