Конкурсантам необходимо предложить идеи по созданию модульного жилья, соответствующего потребностям студентов-миллениалов. Из таких построек можно будет составить студенческое общежитие. В конкурсном задании местом предполагаемой реализации проектов значится мексиканский город Пуэбла, но идеи должны быть пригодными для воплощения в любой точке мира.
A basic housing prototype (MILLENNIAL HOUSE UNIT) will be conceptualized for students of 1 to 3 people with private spaces and shared services. It will function as an independent element and will be part of a set of 10 units. It will be located within a natural urban landscape and must stand out for its geometric and contemporary aesthetics.
The MILLENNIAL HOUSE UNIT, as an independent and joint element, will function as a Student Residence and may be part of a complex that complements services such as entrances, laundry, parking, visitor area, etc.
For the conception of the prototype, it is essential to understand to whom it is directed, for which it must have characteristics of Smart House, which satisfies any basic activity of young students.
It should be designed as a prefabricated prototype that can be easily built anywhere in the world; and it can function as a pop-up home for other uses thanks to its easy-to-assemble features. All architectural elements must be framed in a sustainable environment.