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Волонтерский центр для фонда WYCF

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 15.08.2021
  dead-line подачи проектов: 15.08.2021
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Сьерра-Леоне
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  организатор: A+C Designs
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  WYCF Space Competition
  Конкурсантам предлагается спроектировать волонтерский центр для благотворительного фонда WYCF в Сьерра-Леоне. Приветствуются практичные, простые в реализации проекты, не требующие специальных строительных навыков. Лучший проект получит шанс на воплощение.
A+C Designs are launching a Design and Build Competition for Architecture Students, Professionals and Designers!

​We have partnered up with We Yone Child Foundation, a Sierra Leone based charity, which aims to improve the lives of vulnerable children and their families through quality education and life empowering opportunities.

WYCF is developing a number of small scale infrastructure projects, with the help of public funding to enhance the lives of underprivileged communities in Freetown, Sierra Leone. These include schools, hospital facilities and accommodation.

​In this competition, we are inviting young Architects and designers to partake in Designing a hub for volunteers and teachers that are a part of the WYCF team.

This is a great opportunity for a young Architect to design with real-life constraints and considerations of construction types, Budget and client requirements, not to mention the valuable experience of developing the Project to be built in Sierra Leone.

​We encourage designs that are sustainable, practical and easily conceivable and which do not require prior technical skills in construction. The successful entry will be looked at in the view of buildability, cost-effective and an overall enjoyable space.

The winning entry/ team will get the chance to develop their designs with the Arts and Creatives team to a level of detail for construction in 2022.

​The new development will be an essential part of the volunteer programme which is an important part of the charity’s effort. The new WYCF Hub will be able to provide low-cost accommodation, an office space for the daily functions of the charity leaders and rental space for income.

​All year around, volunteers from around the world visit the charity to take part in the programme. Their roles can range from teaching a class to working one-on-one with students with particular needs, to developing proposals, designing a community project or assisting with overall organisation administration – just to name a few examples.

​WYCF has hosted several students from different nationalities looking for an international placement to fulfil their university requirements.


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