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Новая пространственная реальность городов

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 07.04.2021
  dead-line подачи проектов: 21.04.2021
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Македония
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  организатор: Faculty of Architecture,UKIM
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  The New Spatial Reality of Cities
  Конкурс посвящен развитию городов в постпандемическую эпоху. Участникам необходимо разработать архитектурные объекты и концепции городского вмешательства, которые будут в полной мере соответствовать новым реалиям. Место для возможного воплощения своего проекта можно выбрать самостоятельно.
To explore new concepts or question existing one concepts in architectural design and urban planning that proof to be obsolete to the post Covid-19 society and even life threatening due to its incapacity to provide a safe ground for the basic human needs and practices. Shaping and designing the new spatial reality in cities is important because the spatial designs and metaphors that we use to describe the disease driven spatial practices profoundly shape our experience of urban and social space; our social and cultural discourse regarding the new spatial practices such as Covid-19 can help us discover new potential in our cities or on the contrary to produces fear and stigma that hinder care and marginalize citizens and whole communities.

The New Spatial Realities international competition calls for fresh, innovative and challenging new spatial paradigms and design concepts in architecture and urban planning that will steer the debate about the future of living in our cities in the post Covid-19 pandemic society that has been heavily shaped by the rules and logic of the newly encountered spatial and bio-political paradigm. Can we design what is to become the new potential future of our communities? Can we design the better, sustainable and more just new spatial reality of our cities? Can we imagine what was not possible before?

The main objectives are the following:
To encourage innovative proposals that are committed to a strategy of implementing cutting-edge, contemporary architecture and urban design in urban environment, with approaches that lead to synergies between the context, the community, the programme, public space and the buildings.

To convene ideas of spaces that promote a deep understanding and resolution or improvement of the new spatial challenges shaping the new spatial reality in cities. Projects must lead through their architecture to sensitivity, awareness, understanding, enthusiasm and commitment to the health, social, environmental, economic, educational, residential and civic challenges that cities and urban communities around the world are faced during and after the Covid 19 pandemics and its consequences to the cities.

To initiate an informed and open debate about the new concepts and paradigms that will shape the future of cities and showcase the capacity of architecture and Urban design to provide better understanding and solutions to the contemporary challenges that are beyond engineering but also resort to innovation and technology.

Competition participants and project teams should propose the program of their intervention and project design with the basic elements to be included in the design. With these proposed minimum required spaces, the participant or team can bring new elements under consideration; provide, improve or complement the profile of the project.

This open ideas competition on does not refer to any particular location but to a situation that should be selected and suggested by participants. Each participant or team will define the location of their Project that will be 400 meters by 400 meters urban fragment from a city. The city of the choice could be the city of their residence or any other city in the world. The selection of the urban fragment and the selection of programme and urban structures that it will contain is free and could showcase different urban elements and spaces from dense central urban cores to the edge and suburban areas of the cities including: built structures, infrastructure, city parks, public space, natural parks, protected natural areas, forests, jungles, beaches, mountains, etc. However, the proposal must justify the choice of the location and the interaction reached between the project and the site’s context and environment.

One of the purposes of this competition is the search for the diversity of projects and their particular situations that will exhibit and address the variety of global urban and natural environments and their specifics, challenges and qualities.


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