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Мемориальный исследовательский фонд Линдси Джонса: конкурс грантов

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 01.04.2021
  dead-line подачи проектов: 01.04.2021
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Международная
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: гранты в размере $2000-5000
  организатор: ACSForum
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  ACSF & Lindsay Jones Memorial Research Fund Grants
  Конкурс проводится мемориальным фондом Линдси Джонса, исследователя мезоамериканской архитектуры. Гранты присуждаются ежегодно. Заявленные исследовательские проекты должны поддерживать идею о том, что качество искусственно созданной среды может способствовать развитию человечества и решению актуальных проблем. Проект необходимо реализовать в течение двух лет с момента получения гранта.
The Lindsay Jones Memorial Research Fund (LJMRF) was established in 2021 through a generous gift from the late Lindsay Jones. Lindsay was a groundbreaking scholar of Mesoamerican architecture most known for his two volume The Hermeneutics of Sacred Architecture, and as editor of the second edition of Mircea Eliade’s fifteen-volume Encyclopedia of Religion. He received his doctorate from the University of Chicago and taught for most of his career in the Department of Comparative Studies at The Ohio State University. A longtime member of ACSF and frequent presenter at ACSF symposia, Lindsay is remembered for his highly-regarded, original research and courage for taking the road less travelled. His legacy lives on in the advancement of rigorous, innovative research supported by this fund. For Lindsay’s full biography see the In Memoriam section of the ACSF website.

What we Fund

We fund research on the meaning and significance of the built environment. The LJMRF is intended as seed funding to support long-term scholarly agendas. We encourage applicants and proposals from a range of built environment disciplines (e.g., architecture, landscape architecture, sacred arts, urbanism, interior design, environmental psychology, material culture, phenomenology, etc.). Project proposals should identify one of the four principal areas of the fund: scholarly research, practice, service, or teaching. Successful applications might propose projects in a range of venues and media including, but not limited to, scholarly writing, film or other broadcast media, built works or projects, community engagement programs, or educational innovation.

We are especially interested in projects that advance the ACSF Mission and its vision that the design and experience of the built environment can assist in the spiritual development of humanity in service of addressing the world’s most pressing problems. We welcome applicants from anywhere in the world. We only fund individuals, not institutions or organizations. Funds may not be used for coursework, academic tuition, or attending the ACSF symposium for presenting final results.

Application and Grant Period

Grants are awarded every year and should be completed within a two-year period. After one year grantees submit a written report on progress to the LJMRF Awards Committee. At the conclusion of their research project grantees submit a final report and present at the next annual ACSF symposium, which become part of the ACSF open source research archive.
Award amounts

Grants typically range from $2,000 USD – $5,000 USD

Evaluation Criteria

Project proposals are judged according to the following:
  • their alignment with the Mission and vision of ACSF and the goals of the LJMRF,
  • potential to make unique, influential contributions to the field,
  • capacity to reach broad audiences though publication and other dissemination means,
  • clarity of topic, workplan, budget, and intended outcomes, and how the grant will support long-term scholarly goals.


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