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Транспорт для постпандемийного города

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 01.03.2021
  dead-line подачи проектов: 12.04.2021
  тема: Урбанистика
  страна: Канада
  открыт для: студентов
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: пять призов по 1500 канадских долларов
  организатор: Concordia University
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Reimagining the Experience of Public Transportation
  На конкурс принимаются идеи по модернизации общественного транспорта в городах с учетом условий, продиктованных пандемией Covid-19. Большинство людей сегодня предпочитают личный транспорт общественному, что может нанести существенный вред окружающей среде. Задача участников – придумать, как снова заполнить метро, автобусы, трамваи и т.д. пассажирами.
How can design accelerate the transition from the end of the pandemic to a new experience of public transportation?

This design competition is part of a joint research initiative. The Concordia University Chair of Integrated Design, Ecology, and Sustainability for the Built Environment and the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions, Mediations of Excellence at Université de Montréal are working together to mobilize the creativity of young designers of the built environment in order to stimulate debate on the renewed experiences of public transportation for increased urban resiliency.

This 2021 edition is done in collaboration CRE-Montreal and ARTM. The Conseil régional de l’environnement de Montréal (CRE-Montreal) promotes sustainable development for the City of Montreal. The Autorité régionale de transport métropolitain (ARTM) is the transportation authority, which plans, funds, and promotes public transit and paratransit services for the Montréal metropolitan area.

This ideas competition seeks to gather:
  • narratives of renewed experience of public transportation;
  • design idea(s) for encouraging the use of public transportation;
  • series of design principles for implementing a renewed experience of public transportation.
Public transport has been impacted through the pandemic in ways that have considerably changed its experience. The notion of time, the experience of the city, the experience of the everyday, have all changed in 2020.

We adhere to the principle that public transport is an essential and safe part of the ecological transition of our cities. If citizens shift from public transport back to private vehicles, we can predict a drastic degradation of environmental and traffic conditions – a situation to be averted. Thinking about new ways to encourage and renew the experience of public transport opens up avenues redefining an enhanced relationship to urbanity and the sharing of public space while contributing to the ecological transition.  This competition asks:
  • How can we renew the pleasure of public transportation following the decline in ridership experienced in the last year
  • How can we redesign the spaces and places of public transportation for encouraging the use of public transit?
Encouraging and rethinking the use of public transport, metro, bus, and tramway, means imagining the pleasure of living in a sustainable city. This competition is aimed for students in arts, design, engineering, architecture, psychology, film-making, literature, sociology, finance, management.

“Reimagining the Experience of Public Transportation” wants to expand the vocabulary of the experience of public transport, particularly in a post-pandemic metropolis. It will serve as a learning platform for future designers, urban planners, and decision makers. Potential design interventions are:
  • Imagine installations that help communities develop a sustained pleasure of using public transport
  • Increase the ability for current infrastructures of urban mobility to offer different experiences throughout the year, month, week, or even day
  • Rethink traditional design principles for the travel experience (critical approach)
  • Rethink urban mobility space to address inequities
  • Explore the embodied space and multi-sensory design of urban mobility
  • Conceptualize urban experiences that transform a pandemic-induced perception of “public transport as a place to avoid” to “public transport as reliable and enjoyable”
  • Design (interactive, playful, engaging, informative) solutions to improve the positive emotional experiences of mobility
The narratives, principles and design ideas must focus on the experience of public transport.  The competition invites modest and moderated interventions that will have an impact on the transport experience. Since this competition is not organized by Mr. Elon Musk, the focus is not on new technological transportation vehicles, nor the replacement of existing infrastructure, but rather imagining minimal additions, transformations, frugal new experiences in a post-pandemic world for the social sustainability of public transport. Submissions can focus on specific spaces, places, or more macro level insights of an overarching experience.

This competition, as a learning platform, seeks to collect a great variety of design principles. There will be 5 winners, but all projects will be permanently displayed on the Canadian Competitions Catalogue (ccc.umontreal.ca) as a collective contribution to the debate on the renewal of public transportation. A illustrated guide book will include a curated set of principles from winning and non-winning proposals as the main research outcome of this competition.

Submissions can be in English or French. However, the third panel which includes the principles, must be presented in both languages, French and English.


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