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Животные в городе

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 15.03.2021
  dead-line подачи проектов: 15.03.2021
  тема: Урбанистика
  страна: Великобритания
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от £25
  организатор: AA School London
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Animalesque City Competition
  В конкурсе участвуют короткометражные фильмы о взаимоотношениях между людьми и животными в эпоху глобальной урбанизации. Нужно представить животных полноценными горожанами будущего и продемонстрировать свое видение такого равноправного сосуществования с точки зрения архитектуры и градостроительства.
The Animalesque Visiting School Competition invites students and professionals from all over the world to participate in the production of visionary scripts about the future agency of animals in the design and construction of urban environments. We are welcoming all kinds of creative film works, including those with limited technological resources.

Selected winners will get 1-to-1 mentoring with jury members in order to develop a high quality film which will be presented at AA School London and at the ARCH+ cohabitation exhibition in Berlin.

​What is an Animalesque City? We challenge you to express an activist and radical viewpoint through a short movie about the (future) relationships between humans and animal species in times of rapidly expanding urbanisation; to envision emergent societies in which multispecies citizens exist in symbiosis.

The medium of film enables the transmission of narratives and fiction in a critical and engaging way. Together, the selected submissions will express visionary animalesque realities, constructed from different global perspectives and seen through a multiplicity of lenses.


From the time when humans lived alongside animals and moved around as nomads to gather seeds, fruit and plants to the current era in which the mass production of meat feeds the global population, our species has developed various interactions with fellow animals, which range from practical to economical as well as mythical. Such relationships have been shifting over time and in different settings as contexts of climate, geography and culture have changed.

​Since the agricultural revolution, and later the eras of industrialisation, urbanisation and globalisation, our relationships with animals have become more and more exploitive. The tremendous growth of the human population in recent decades, together with our focus on property, wealth and environmental control, puts these connections under even greater pressure.

Humans are mammals, but our anthropocentric perspective has unbalanced our position within the animal kingdom and within the natural world as a whole. Animalesque proposes new ways of thinking and engineering that can help us establish interspecies collaboration based on mutuality, instead of domination and one-sided exploitation, and believes that this will lead to more resilient socio-ecological systems.

Can we build scenarios for symbiosis with the species that inhabit the world and live alongside us? What can we learn from animals by looking at how they use their senses, the ways in which they communicate and work together, the extent to which they follow their instincts, their adjustments and adaptations? And what do we have to offer from our side?


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