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конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 02.04.2021
  dead-line подачи проектов: 03.04.2021
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Международная
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: $45
  награда: главный приз - $5000
  организатор: arch out loud
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Shelter: Desining within a hurricane shell
  Конкурс посвящен проектированию жилья, устойчивого к ураганам и стихийным бедствиям. Необходимо использовать уже существующие и доказавшие свою эффективность инженерные решения в этой области, обеспечив при этом визуальную привлекательность и комфорт таких домов.
The year 2020 was officially the most active Atlantic hurricane season on record.

Since 1950 the National Hurricane Association has assigned names to each qualifying storm beginning with the letter A and working towards the end of the alphabet. Tropical Storm Arthur began the Atlantic hurricane season in May 2020 and five months later the alphabetical naming system had been exhausted with the formation of Tropical Storm Wilfred. 2020 is only the second year where the Greek alphabet has been required to supplement additional storm names.

Both literally and figuratively, humanity resides in the midst of two distinct trends. While we yearn to be closer to nature and experience her beauty, we are being increasingly brutalized by her harshest elements. We watch as the changing climate brings natural calamity and damage to a larger group of people and a wider swath of geography. We watch the increasing frequency and strength of nature wreaking havoc among our communities. We watch as those who lose their homes to hurricanes and natural disasters rebuild and hope that when the next storm comes, it will not be their home that is once again destroyed.

arch out loud challenges participants to design the hurricane resilient home of the future.

Category five hurricane winds commonly reach speeds between 160 and 190 miles per hour, causing widespread destruction in a matter of seconds. Yet with the implementation of fundamental engineering and principles in design techniques, coastal residential structures that implement structural shells have proven the ability to withstand the strongest storms.

This relationship between form and function isn’t new. However, how might we harness this relationship to create a better living environment, one that is both protective and unique? How might designing within the form of a proven hurricane-resilient structural shell provide new opportunities within the creative process and a new perspective for how residents might live in coastal environments?

Proven techniques for constructing hurricane resistant homes have been in practice for decades. Circular designs assure that hurricane strength winds do not build up enough pressure on any side of a home to cause catastrophic structural failures. Radial support systems work in unison, reducing weak points. Superior prefabricated parts outperform construction materials that are commonly used in on-site assembly.

How do you design within a dynamic structurally proven system while providing an inviting coastal living opportunity? SHELTER provides designers the opportunity to explore emerging cultural trends. Participants may select one of the three unique structural shells below to design within. Upon registration you will receive the digital models for all three shells.


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