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Культурное жилье для портового города

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 09.04.2021
  dead-line подачи проектов: 09.04.2021
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Германия
  город: Гамбург
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от €18
  награда: €500
  организатор: Archicontest
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Hamburgcall - Cultural Housing for port city
  Конкурсантам необходимо создать для Гамбурга концепцию жилья для путешественников и художников, способного оживить город. «Культурный дом» разнообразит городской пейзаж, станет одним из архитектурных символов Гамбурга.
Hamburg is Germany’s second city in terms of population and trade, the dense network of canals places it at the center of the major transport campaigns directed to other continents. The fires of the 19th century and the bombings of the Second World War destroyed part of the ancient city and with it representative buildings. The buildings were rebuilt in Gothic / Neoclassical style, replacing the sober Hanseatic style typical of the local construction. Speicherstadt is the district with the greatest characterization: once the seat of the dockers’ homes, it then became the area of ​​commercial warehouses today converted into museums and cultural centers. The Elbphilharmonie, designed by Herzog & de Meuron, is probably one of the most recognized icons of the new millennium, embodying a desire for innovation that is involving the entire urban environment. In a constantly evolving scenario, we intend to imagine a housing capable of welcoming travelers and artists ready to immerse themselves in the cultural ferment that animates the German city. The Cultural Housing will renovate the skyline to become a new symbol, an architecture capable of fitting into a constantly changing context and ready to welcome new innovative stimuli.

Project area: Burchardplatz


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