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Connubia: конкурс мебельного дизайна

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 31.01.2021
  dead-line подачи проектов: 31.01.2021
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Италия
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: три приза по €2000
  организатор: Calligaris S.p.A.
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  conn|test: I design connubia
  Задание для конкурсантов – предложить дизайн мебельных изделий, которые могли бы пополнить каталог итальянского бренда Connubia. Работы принимаются в трех категориях: умная мебель, комфорт, дизайн для домашних животных. Предпочтение отдается простому и функциональному дизайну, душой которого становится цвет.
Connubia, a Calligaris Group’s brand, launches a challenge to the international designers’community and creative talents, with the aim of rethinking the entire experience related to some specific living sectors: smart occasional furniture, occasional comfort and pet design.

Connubia, a brand belonging to Calligaris Group, offers the international designers’ community and creative talents a challenge to rethink the entire experience related to specific living sectors: smart occasional furniture, occasional comfort, Pet design.

The aim of the contest is to promote registered designers, giving them the opportunity to become a concrete part of the international design market.

The winning projects must have innovative and sustainable characteristics linked to three fundamental themes: vision, solution and mood. Projects must be visionary for a society that is not only sustainability oriented in an ecological sense but also a social, cultural and aesthetic sustainability.

At the same time it must be original and linked to everyday life, with the aim of solving problems related to lack of space and housing nomadism, with aesthetic solutions and essential techniques for a sustainable lifestyle.

The winner will be the one being able to capture the Connubia mood through with a simple and functional design, where the color expresses vitality and personality.

The winners will be contacted by 01/03/2021 and will be invited to the award ceremony that will take place at the 2021 Salone del Mobile in Milan, currently scheduled for April 2021.


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