Конкурс посвящен осмыслению проблемы изменения климата и поиску идей по созданию устойчивых городов и районов. В состязании две категории: студенческая и профессиональная. Для разработки проекта нужно выбрать конкретный город из предложенного списка.
The majority of the world's GHG emissions come from cities. As urban populations increase, we know that building compact, resilient and well-connected communities is our best chance to preserve our global resources and fragile biodiversity for future generations. Now more than ever, we must harness a model for low-carbon urban development that promotes a thriving and inclusive future for all city residents.
On 10 December 2020, C40 and 18 world cities launched Students Reinventing Cities, a new competition for students and academics. Reinventing Cities, our original professional competition, is still going on!
We need the participation of everyone to build a better world.