Конкурс проводится объединением повышения устойчивости и эффективности городов (CURE). Своими фотоработами участники должны продемонстрировать, что такое, по их мнению, инклюзивные и экологически безопасные города. Для победителей предусмотрены денежные призы.
Share with the world, through photographs, what inclusive and sustainable cities mean to you.
The Collaborative for Urban Resilience and Effectiveness (CURE) invites you to join us in raising our sight towards an inclusive and sustainable future for our world’s cities through the following themes:
Youth Leadership
Young people are burdened with the mistakes of previous generations but their leadership on these issues has already begun. Leadership comes in all shapes and sizes, so whether it’s innovating, educating, communicating, inventing, inspiring, or so much more, young people are already reshaping the world we live in to become more resilient in the face of challenges.
Sustainable Cities
Environmental sustainability is key to the success of resilient cities and innovative sustainability solutions are happening every day. From big systemic changes to small acts of environmental kindness, sustainability means transforming how our cities interact with the natural world.
Equity & Social Justice
Urban resiliency problems have a discorporate impact on individuals and communities who are already the most vulnerable among us. Equitable and socially just solutions focus the greatest resiliency efforts on addressing the needs of these communities, because we are all only as resilient as those who are most at risk.