Задание для участников – спроектировать центр винной культуры для китайского уезда Хуайлай, одного из самых старых винодельческих регионов страны. Центр должен совмещать в себе несколько функций – развлекательную, культурно-просветительскую, коммерческую. Но главное – новое здание должно гармонично сосуществовать с окружающей природной средой.
CREA TALENTS is an open&free Architecture Ideas Competition, sponsored by The Economic Development & Culture Committee, we are pleased to invite architects, students, engineers, designers, and artists from around the globe to take part in .
The objective is to provide maximum freedom to the participants to design a wine culture center in the most creative way, only 10 images required, absolute freedom of scale, site or style.
Participants are invited to come up with visionary concepts for a wine culture center located in a Huailai, one of the most ancient wine region in China. Located near the vineyards, this future landmark acts as a multifunctional place for the visitors, composed of several different sectors for both cultural and commercial activities.
The goal of the competition is to stimulate innovative design idea and to evoke the reflection on the relationship between architecture and nature.