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Штаб-квартира FITT

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 24.01.2021
  dead-line подачи проектов: 27.01.2021
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Италия
  открыт для: студентов и молодых архитекторов (до 35 лет)
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от €60
  награда: призовой фонд - €20 000
  организатор: Young Architects Competitions
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Fitt Future Headquarters Competition
  Конкурсантам предлагается спроектировать новую штаб-квартиру компании FITT в итальянском городе Виченца. Компания с 50-летней историей занимается разработкой и производством инновационных решений для трубопроводов домашнего, профессионального и промышленного использования. Необходимо создать современное рабочее пространство, соответствующее статусу, философии и специфике деятельности FITT.
  Полина Садова, Дарья Горелова. Штаб-квартира будущего, 18.05.2021
Temples, buildings and mausoleums: architecture has always been a communication tool. In order to celebrate human and divine events, throughout history architects have always been spokespeople of the civilization they were required to represent by materializing its splendor and petrifying its ambitions.   

In more recent times, large corporations started to claim some prerogatives of architecture that used to be an ancient apanage of sovereigns and divinities. The Rockefeller Center, the Chrysler Building, the Apple Campus are some of the most iconic architectures of the last century. Such unique architectures are named after great economic and industrial events or distinguished people of production and economy.    

One of these colossuses is FITT Group. It is a leading company in the manufacture and development of the most innovative fluid transfer solutions for domestic, professional and industrial applications. It is an international excellence with an Italian heart based on a solid tradition of continuous research, technological innovation and social commitment.   

After 50 years, FITT keeps on looking ahead by giving to architecture the opportunity to express its values, mission and goals.

For this reason, FITT Future Headquarters is being launched. This is FITT’s competition to design its new headquarters. Through this competition, architects will have the opportunity to suggest their own vision of future workspace. In this place, leadership, progress and corporate identity shall be translated into architectural shapes to become an international reference in workplace architecture.

FITT will host a center to become the symbol of modernity and progress. The corporation’s community will meet to develop intuitions and research in a new complex designed to amaze and inspire. Such center will compete with the most innovative headquarters of the international scenario to forge a future of wealth, sustainability and innovation.


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