Конкурс дизайн-концепций с использованием керамогранита
Конкурс собирает нестандартные идеи по использованию керамогранита в интерьерах. Участвовать можно с дизайн-концепциями оформления стен (в частных или общественных интерьерах) и душевых кабин. В каждой категории планируется определить нескольких победителей.
Restile is a competition aimed to designers and innovators, sponsored by Mirage. Restile purpose is to find new talents that can create a new concept of porcelain slab.
A project that wants to find a new product design, enriched by a creative approach, intended to re-create the vision of porcelain stoneware.
The contest stands out as a real crowdsourcing addressing young planners, designers and creative minds in order to present a personal interpretation of ceramic tile with an alternative design proposal. The contest sets out to define an innovative product in terms of material and appeal, giving all interested parties the opportunity to express their creativity and develop innovative concepts.
Only by registering on www.miragecontest.com will you be able to submit your project, in digital format as long as it reaches us by 11 december 2020.