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Мастер-план для набережной Темзмида

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 25.11.2020
  dead-line подачи проектов: 25.11.2020
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Великобритания
  город: Лондон
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  организатор: Thamesmead Waterfront Joint Venture
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Thamesmead Waterfront Masterplan Competition
  Конкурс призван выбрать лучший проект по развитию набережной в лондонском районе Темзмид. Это один из немногих неосвоенных прибрежных участков Лондона, и здесь предлагается создать жилой район с развитой инфраструктурой. Конкурс пройдет в два этапа. Первый – отборочный. На втором пять команд-финалистов займутся разработкой проектов.
Thamesmead Waterfront is a 100-hectare development site on the southern bank of the River Thames within the Royal Borough of Greenwich.  It is one of the few remaining undeveloped waterfront sites in London and the South East that offers the scale and capacity to accommodate significant, sustainable, long-term economic growth and housing, particularly in a post COVID-19 world.  With appropriate, timely support and investment, Thamesmead Waterfront offers London and the South East a fresh opportunity to deliver on its current and future needs with a new, connected, sustainable and liveable quarter. With approximately 2km of river frontage, Thamesmead Waterfront is the most significant growth opportunity within Thamesmead, with the ability to deliver a new concept for waterfront living that is accessible, inclusive and productive. Surrounded by a richness of green spaces and a natural environment, the site is expected to include a strong retail, commercial and leisure offer as well as a substantial number of new homes, of all tenures.

On behalf of the Thamesmead Waterfront Joint Venture, we are delighted to announce this competition to find forward-thinking strategic masterplanners, who will come to the project with an inventive and deliverable approach, to create a genuine synergy between people, place and nature.

The purpose being: to start defining and shaping the type of place that Thamesmead Waterfront will become.


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