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Новое здание мэрии в Сунчхоне

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 29.09.2020
  dead-line подачи проектов: 04.12.2020
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Южная Корея
  город: Сунчхон
  открыт для: архитекторов, архитектурных бюро
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: I место - контракт на дальнейшую разработку проекта; II место - 60 млн вон; III место - 45 млн вон; IV место - 30 млн вон; V место - 15 млн вон
  организатор: Suncheon City
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Architecture Competition for Suncheon New City Hall
  Цель конкурса – выбрать лучший проект для нового здания мэрии корейского города Сунчхон. Это будет открытое для местных жителей административное здание. Оно должно соответствовать званию экологичной столицы страны и оставаться актуальным многие десятилетия.
This competition reflects the status of Suncheon City-the ecological capital and deviates from the existing unified public government building, and intends to select a creative design suggestion for the construction of an innovative Suncheon cityhall office. The goal is to lead the sustainable development of Suncheon for the next hundred years, to promote openness to citizens, to revitalize the original city center, and to establish a new cityhall with innovative office space.

-Announcement Method Architecture Design Competition (open to public)
-Site Location Jeollanam-do, Suncheon-si, Jangmyeong-ro 30
-Site Size 31,783㎡(New Cityhall 26,758㎡, Culture station 5,025 ㎡)
-Total Floor Area New Cityhall 47,000㎡, Culture station 11,995 ㎡
-Local District(Land Use) General Commercial Area, Fire Prevention Zone
-Design Fee (Estimated) 7,553.4 million KRW
(Including VAT, all certifications and liability insurance)
-Construction Fee (Estimated) 138.176 billion KRW(Including VAT):
(New Cityhall 114.676 billion KRW, Culture station 23.5 billion KRW)

1) City hall for Publicness : An open government building that communicates with citizens, public officials, and anyone who comes to the cityhall and shares the culture and life of Suncheon City.
2) City hall for Eco-environments : A Cityhall that reflects Suncheon City’s status as an ecological capital city and harmonizes nature, people, and building to serve as a standard for the spread of ecological culture.
3) City hall for Smart-Technology Office : A Cityhall that shows workspace layout with efficiency and innovations, represents smart building technologies responding to technological changes in the 4th revolution.
4) City hall for Sustainability : A sustainable cityhall that reflects the history and identity of the city and will keep value over time.

1) In the case of a Korean architect, a person who has opened and reported an architect’s office pursuant to Article 23-1 of the Building Act of the Republic of Korea as of the date of public announcement shall be an individual that has no grounds for disqualification in the relevant statutes.
2) When an individual or office with a foreign architect intends to participate, someone must participate jointly with a person qualified under paragraph (1), and the representative shall be the qualified person under paragraph 1.
3) The number of participants in the joint participation (consortium) shall be allowed to register for not more than three joint applications (office) by combining individuals and firms, and one person under paragraph 1) above shall be designated as a representative. (One person is also needed to designate for co-representatives in the same architect’s office.)
4) The representative must become the representative of the joint participants and play the role of coordinating the entire design works, and the legal rights, responsibilities and obligations accompanying the public offering belong to the representative.


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