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A.D.A.P.T: конкурс альтернативного дизайна

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 01.10.2020
  dead-line подачи проектов: 04.10.2020
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Международная
  открыт для: индивидуальных участников и команд
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от €5
  организатор: mOOO architecture design competitions
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  A.D.A.P.T : Alternative Design After Pandemic Times
  Конкурс посвящен исследованию последствий пандемии и предлагает переосмыслить роль дизайна и архитектуры в сохранении здоровья людей. Перед созданием проектов конкурсантам предстоит выбрать пару ключевых слов из двух списков. В первом – предметы и объекты (от головного убора до парка аттракционов), во втором – направленные на оздоровление процессы (от приема солнечных ванн до донорства крови). Эти слова во взаимодействии должны стать основой предлагаемого решения.
You all know what’s happening: a pandemic that temporarily upended global society and likely to permanently change the way we live and work. With every crisis comes revelation, and what is clear now is that public health is never simply a medical issue — it is the cause and consequence of socio-economical as well as physical infrastructures that shape our society. From roads to homes, billboards to phones — to think about health, we must think beyond health. What could have been different about our society that would have helped us prevent or recover from a global health crisis? What could a subway pass do — or toilet paper?

A collective crisis exposes us to deep interdependencies between social and physical systems. What does the exacerbating gap between mental and labour workers, for example, reflect about urbanisation, the nature of commute, and the definition of “essential work”? How does changing demographics affect the ecosystem of care homes for the elderly? What do we think about the public school system’s role and responsibility in caretaking beyond education? What happens to the future of social dining? How might the rising need for delivery change our cities? … All in all: what features of our society can we empower and reimagine to promote an infrastructure of health?

The site of design in response to systemic issues should be systemic in nature. We want to promote thoughts and conversation about health as an integrated medical and social infrastructure that manifests physically in the fabric of society – an architectural issue. This competition aims to encourage innovative design that grows out of a cross-pollination of features and ideas from various social and physical systems.

To aid in this process, we have created two lists of keywords: one representing physical systems, ranging in scale from objects to buildings and to urban features; and one representing non-physical infrastructures, in terms of activities that are central to maintaining wellness in the areas of mental, physical, as well as social health. Each participating team shall pick one keyword from each list, and create a proposal of how the two items might interact and come together to promote public health. You have absolute freedom in choosing the site/context of your design in relation to your chosen keywords.


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