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Генетика объема

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 15.06.2020
  dead-line подачи проектов: 01.07.2020
  дата объявления результатов: 15.07.2020
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Индия
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от 150 до 450 рупий
  награда: призовой фонд - 9000 рупий
  организатор: Parakraft
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Volume Genetics Competition
  Участникам предлагается отказаться от привычных объемов и начать создавать собственные. Задача – придумать геометрическую фигуру и обосновать ее необходимость для использования в архитектуре, дизайне и других профессиональных сферах. Можно также дать новой фигуре название.
The success of any visual storyteller or designer relies mainly on what the audience perceives. Shapes have an endless variety of characteristics, each communicating different messages to the audience. Anything and everything, from elements in a photograph to certain typography or a built mass, can be analyzed in terms of shape. All the bits and pieces of the shapes or geometries inside your designs, presentations, infographics or visual strategies are telling their own story.

Look around you and observe shapes in designs and nature and think about what they are saying to you, what they make you feel, what they are communicating. Do they enhance or hinder the message of the designs you see? What do you feel when you see a circle? A square? A triangle? Are you affected when you see an object with soft gentle curves as you are when seeing another object with sharp jagged edges? A Shape is more than just a group of connected lines and the visual perception from it narrates meaning to the lines, shapes or geometries. They are important building blocks in the visual vocabulary we have at our disposal as the designers and can be used to:
  • set a mood or emotion
  • create a travel path for the eye around the design
  • create depth or movement
As we understand the essence of 3D geometric shapes and its importance in the visual communication of ideas, such as a cube is perceived as a solid geometry, a pyramid is a balanced geometry, etc. We need you to invent your own dream volume, which is unique, creative and defines the visual impact you have associated with it by exemplifying the practical experience created. If the geometric shape could accommodate human necessities or functions, it would be an added advantage to the design.

Form and its opposite, space, constitute primary elements of architecture. ... Just as internal space is created by voids in building form, exterior space can be defined or poorly defined by the building form as well.

We are not looking for the interpretations of the experiences created from the geometries that have been defined earlier. We need you to create your unique volume/geometric shape, narrate visual impact from it and justify the efficiency of the volume. You can also name the geometry you have invented, as you are the sole creator of it. We need your design as renders of your 3D space, it could be as tiny as an attic or a huge monument. We wanted to challenge you to challenge the pre-existing context of the rigid spaces and come up with organic and innovative spaces which are efficient too.


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