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Постпандемические общественные пространства

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 13.06.2020
  dead-line подачи проектов: 15.06.2020
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Международная
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от $15 до $25
  организатор: Project Platypus
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Post Pandemic Performances
  Конкурс ищет идеи по адаптации привычных общественных пространств разного формата и масштаба к условиям социального дистанцирования. Как должны измениться дворы, улицы, парки, площади, кафе, выставочные залы, стадионы и другие места скопления людей? Об этом расскажут проекты участников.
Humankind has witnessed several historic, life-changing episodes such as industrialisation, colonisation and wars, and society has always adapted to such significant milestones fruitfully. Over the years architecture too, has been a witness to the very same happenings, and has shaped itself accordingly to suit the times.

While most such events are read and studied about, the ongoing pandemic is a rather unprecedented one.

The future of architecture and the notion of a city too are standing at crossroads. The notion of the city and ‘city-life’ revolves closely around the act of gathering, and the possibilities that come with meeting, living and sharing lives with ‘strangers’. How will the city function if this very function was to change completely? This pandemic though alarming, brings with itself an aperture to redefine architecture and the very experience of cities and its spaces.

The future is now.

We at Project Platypus introduce a spatial design competition, which will touch upon our experiences, cravings and learnings from a times when the world has come to a standstill. Since ideas are not bound by professions, we invite ‘creatives’ across all fields to collaborate and come up with design and space making solutions that affect us all. We encourage a fresh perspective, and a direct engagement with an exercise as the designer, architect and as someone who experiences their spatial environment on an everyday basis.


The span of the lockdown and social distancing is currently indefinite, and the possibility of this happening again is uncertain. It is only wise then, to create and work towards a system, that is conducive to the lifestyle during times like these.

The performing arts industry thrives largely on live physical interaction for the ecstatic passion of artistic experience. Watching your favourite musician live is unquestionably much more valuable an experience compared to watching a 4K video of a concert. Spatial surroundings affect emotions. This overwhelming experience is the raison d’être of an artist as well as the audience. Through history, this very art has been the source of solace to humankind through the merriest and darkest of times alike.

Lately, the performing arts industry has taken a backseat, and may take a long while to spring back to normalcy. An important source of passion and recreation in our lives, the performing arts have now been limited to our screens. Experiences which were defined by their ambience, surroundings, interaction and space, are not exclusive anymore. They are almost immediately interchangeable, with the option of moving from a dance recital, to a concert, to a museum, each with a single tap on the screen.

Eventually, if social distancing were to become a norm, could we explore the possibility of creating artistic experiences without risking our safety, and respecting health guidelines?
Could architecture and design facilitate dedicated artistic experiences that allow for a true connect with the art-forms in times like these?

We are now looking at a world where social distancing is the norm. And like we always have, it is time to assess, evolve and adapt. Through this competition we want to imagine and design the future of performing arts’ experience.

Participants of the competition are invited to design a physical space which respects safety guidelines for a social gathering of not less than 10 (could be in 100s or 1000s!) For us to understand your response to the context and program, the choice of site for the intervention must be made from the below options.


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