В конкурсе участвуют проекты, ориентированные на инновационные материалы и технологии, демонстрирующие возможности устойчивой архитектуры и дизайна. Лучшие работы планируется представить на выставке в Венеции, которая пройдет параллельно с архитектурной биеннале.
As reaction to the unprecedented moment that we are all experiencing, Zuecca Projects has decided to launch its first ever Open Call, on the theme of Sustainable Architecture and Design.
The International Call for Submission “Sustainable Revolution” is open to Architecture and Engineering Firms, Designers, Projects and Companies that are forward looking into the future and offering sustainable solutions and possibilities to the New World we will go to inhabit from here on out.
Selected projects and submissions will be included in the exhibition “Sustainable Revolution” organized by Zuecca Projects in Venice, from August 28 to October 30, 2020. Hosted at Squero Castello, less than ten minutes from the Biennale Arsenale, the exhibition wants to share a positive and progressive message to the global audience that every year attends one of the most important event and platform dedicated to international Architecture.
The theme of Sustainability will be illustrated with emblematic researches and innovations, and through projects (concept, built or in progress) focused on innovative materials and technologies.
Keywords: low-carbon, CO2-neutral, low impact, sustainability, green architecture, green design.