Участникам необходимо предложить идеи по созданию зеленого загородного клуба рядом с полем для гольфа в небольшом городке на юге Франции. Предполагается, что для создания сада, где можно будет отдохнуть после игры, пообщаться или, наоборот, насладиться одиночеством, понадобится высадить миллион кустов розмарина и тимьяна.
Imagine a sustainable hospitality concept with its Country Club in Provence, South of France.
This idea competition is for everyone, designers, architects, students…
The space that hosts the project is currently a 9 holes golf course. Our wish is to turn it into a verdant, fragrant garden where rosemary and thyme give golfers and non-golfers alike an opportunity to nourish their body and mind. Creating this mesmerizing atmosphere will be made possible by planting one million rosemarie and thyme bushes around the golf area.
Our goal is to create an eco-sustainable place that gives our guests the opportunity to connect with their deeper selves, and with nature. We believe we can achieve our mission by creating spaces that combine elements of architecture, landscape design, and nature into holistic, authentic experiences. In this way, we hope to elevate the senses and nourish the spirit of our guests.