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«Из коробки» - конкурс от Samsung

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 29.05.2020
  dead-line подачи проектов: 29.05.2020
  тема: Дизайн
  страна: Международная
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: призовой фонд - $20 000
  организатор: Dezeen
  ссылки: Страница конкурса>>>
  Dezeen x Samsung Out of the Box Competition
  Конкурс посвящен поиску нестандартных идей по созданию предметов интерьера из картонных коробок. Вдохновением для организации состязания послужила специальная серия экологичной упаковки от Samsung, но в проектах необязательно использовать коробки из под техники этого бренда. Лучшие идеи будут воплощены в жизнь и опубликованы на портале Dezeen.com.
The Samsung Out of the Box Competition is a global contest that challenges contestants to design innovative new objects for the home that can be made by repurposing cardboard packaging.

The competition is free to enter for anyone over the age of 18 in any country around the world, with prize money totalling $20,000.

The competition is inspired by Samsung's Eco-Packaging concept, which its The Serif, The Frame and The Sero televisions are shipped to customers in.

The packaging is part of Samsung's ongoing efforts to make its business more sustainable, which it set out in a report last year, by making its components and manufacturing more environmentally friendly, and reducing greenhouse emissions and other waste. The Eco-Packaging concept was named an honouree at this year's CES Innovation Awards.

Electronics companies use thick, corrugated cardboard boxes for shipping in order to properly protect the goods inside. These boxes often end up as waste, as the size and weight of the cardboard boxes means they are difficult to recycle in an average home, which contributes to around 90 billion tons of cardboard and paper being discarded every year in the US alone.

Samsung's Eco-Packaging concept, which it says is a first in the industry, aims to reduce this waste by providing customers with a way to repurpose its television packaging into new household items.

Each Eco-Packaging cardboard box is printed with a special dot matrix pattern, which, when the box is opened out flat, can be used as a guide to create a range of different objects for the home by cutting and reassembling the box.

The sturdy nature of the cardboard makes it suitable for constructing a range of different objects. Samsung provides instructions for different furniture designs through a QR code located on the box. Currently available designs include a TV console, a storage box, a magazine rack and even a cat house.

The contest is seeking innovative new objects for the home that can be made by repurposing cardboard packaging, which are different to the examples presented by Samsung.

Contestants are free to design any kind of object for the home that can be made by reusing cardboard packaging.

It is not mandatory for contestants to use a Samsung television box for their design – they can use any kind of cardboard packaging. However, the shortlisted designs will be built and photographed using boxes for The Frame 75", The Serif 55" or The Sero 43" televisions, so contestants should use cardboard that can be folded flat in a similar way. In addition, entrants should ensure that no brand logos are visible in their finished designs.

The design must be something that anyone could build for themselves at home. It must therefore be practical to assemble with everyday household tools and not require any specialist skills or equipment.

Entrants should also consider who their product is designed for and how it will fit in with and enhance their lifestyle. Entrants must submit a short description of their concept explaining what lifestyle the object has been designed for and how it is assembled. In addition, they should submit at least one and up to ten images showcasing their design.

Entrants are strongly encouraged to build their design from cardboard and photograph it for their entry. At least one of the submitted images should be a lifestyle image depicting the object in use in the home. Additional supporting images could include drawings, sketches, renders or 3D-models.

Optionally, contestants can also submit a video or animation showing how the object is assembled.


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