Innovative Furniture for Neglected Communities in India and Africa
На конкурс принимаются дизайн-проекты экологичной, эргономичной, экономичной мебели, которая могла бы улучшить бытовые условия забытых африканских и индийских общин. В проектах необходимо учитывать потребности таких сообществ и их образ жизни. Проекты-победители получат шанс на воплощение.
Competition Brief Competition is open to everyone including students and professionals. Design a furniture, which is ergonomically sound, cost effective, environment friendly and feasible to build in neglected communities. As we all are aware, inhabitants in slums and other neglected communities lack space to accommodate. The furniture designed shall fit and transform from smaller spaces to larger spaces, based on adaptive user need, help them to store, sit, sleep, read, and write and more.
Ketham’s Atelier Architects is international practice based in India. Earlier, Ketham’s Atelier had made low cost furniture called Curve-X, R300 and trained, widow women and others in neglected communities in making and donated the same to these communities. Ketham’s Atelier would fund these competition winner designs and helps in developing design further and construct prototypes of it and will donate it to Thinking Hand NGO India. NGO, who will share it with neglected communities.