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Осмысляя классику

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 21.09.2020
  dead-line подачи проектов: 06.10.2020
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Индия
  город: Нью-Дели
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от $25
  награда: от $100
  организатор: UNI
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Unwinding Classics Competition
  Конкурс посвящен изучению теории и истории архитектуры путем творческих экспериментов. Участникам предлагается выяснить, что повлияло на архитектуру, которую мы имеем сегодня, изучив деятельность признанных мастеров и воплотив их идеи в собственных проектах. Задача – создать выставочный павильон в Нью-Дели, который станет своего рода архитектурным учебным пособием.
In architecture, a theory is not divorced from practice, rather theory and practice are inseparable. To design a building, an architect needs a set of concepts and ideas to guide their actions. They may be traditional conventions, experimental structural concepts, or aesthetics. Similarly, theory ultimately relies on practice, to test its hypotheses and assumptions.

Designing as a process is continuous and, when it comes to designing buildings (architecture) the process originates from an idea/inspiration and develops on the theory acquired over a period of time.

While learning in design is advocated through practice and experience, we also study theories as a part of our curriculum. The architectural principles devised by renowned architects in “Theory of Architecture” acts as an ignition point for our ideas and inspirations. Supported by examples of buildings that are already made. The evolution of architecture is captured and updated in the theory.

What if we looked at learning from a new perspective? There are different parts to reach learning but, can we learn beyond reading?


Theory of architecture comprises their work to understand what has shaped architecture that we see today. Their understanding of forms, spaces and integration of both has created a benchmark for generations. These can be seen as the initial points of inspiration and theoretical study for the design challenge. The participants can choose any one of the following architects and interpret their design ideologies into a Pavilion and Exhibition Center.


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