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Лимитография - конкурс архитектурного рисунка

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 26.04.2020
  dead-line подачи проектов: 04.05.2020
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Италия
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: €20
  организатор: Library Illustrazioni
  ссылки: Информация о конкурсе>>>
  Limitography - Call for Architecture Drawings
  На конкурс принимаются рисунки, посвященные судьбе и функции архитектуры во времена эпидемий, когда общественные пространства и улицы пустеют, и вся жизнь происходит за стенами домов. Рисунок нужно сопроводить эссе с описанием сути своей идеи.
Streets and squares seem to have become a devasta-ting declaration of suffering, a cry for help and at the same time an admission of guilt. Frightening static, immutability without alternatives.At  the  twilight  of  the  society  of  spectacle,  when  all  the spotlights are turned off and the collective space dissolves, when the sounds, noises and smells fade, an immense concrete landscape remains.The architecture of the exhibition, of the vain bigness, becomes sad, alone.A place where the absence of the city almost coinci-des with its essence.

If the public space has emptied, the private one has filled up, saturated. The city entered the room disrup-tive.Humanity’s activities, needs and ambitions are con-veyed  within  a  single,  limited  and  circumscribed  space,  bringing  out  that  type  of  “hortus  conclusus”  (from the Latin “closed garden”) borrowed from the monastic tradition. Place of work, leisure, sport, edu-cation, culture, prayer, nourishment, rest. Place of life and death.As a result, the “limen”, intended as a separation de-vice,  and  border,  assumes  multiple  and  unexpected  meanings, and becomes unstable and often fluid.

The dematerialization of the border actually produces those radical changes in which geographical, social and functional boundaries are rapidly fading and the greatest manifestation of a renewed urban sociality takes hold.With the light of technology, humanity has been able to create a new conformation of the city, where the most intimate of spaces, in the virtual world, is expo-sed.The mapping of the city has different paradigms: the connections and the shares are manifold.

Our intimate space becomes public.The  age-old  paradigmatic  dichotomy  between  col-lective  and  individual  is  undermined  and  subverted  at the root, giving rise to a new form of urban life and social geography. The facades of the buildings beco-me the new squares, places where public and private life merge and merge.Losing its limit, the border between public and priva-te, what role does Architecture play? And vice versa, what form does the limit take in Ar-chitecture?


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