Конкурс посвящен популяризации использования древесины в многоэтажном строительстве наравне со сталью и бетоном или совместно с ними. Задание – выбрать существующее НЕдеревянное многоэтажное здание и изменить какие-либо из его элементов, применив клееный брус Kerto LVL от финского производителя Metsä Wood.
In an urbanizing world, we face the ever-growing need for housing. We need to build millions of new buildings while simultaneously taking care of the environment. Wood is the only major construction material that stores carbon. This is why we need to use more of it.
However, this cannot sacrifice efficiency. We need to support construction companies to use more wood by creating elements, modules and concepts that fit the way they construct today – and to make wood, steel and concrete work as one.
This is why we created the Hybrid City Challenge.
Open Source Wood calls for building engineers, construction companies and architects to join in the initiative in finding the world's best solutions towards more efficient, sustainable, modular and industry compatible ways to build.