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Современный дизайн для винодельни

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 06.07.2020
  dead-line подачи проектов: 21.07.2020
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: ЮАР
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от $25
  награда: от $100
  организатор: competitions.UNI
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Pour Experia - A modern winery design
  Конкурсантам нужно предложить идеи по созданию современной винодельни неподалеку от Кейптауна, где расположен один из самых живописных виноградников в мире. Новое пространство должно выполнять не только свою утилитарную функцию, но также способствовать притоку туристов в это место, развитию региона в целом.
Wine is deeply and historically rooted in our society. It represents a symbol of tradition, connection, craft, and high spirits. The art of winemaking and viticulture has evolved as a part of life, culture, and diet since ancient times. Nevertheless, in this long historical path, one thing remains unchanged and has never been neglected; the association of wine with gastronomy, history, origin, local quality products, and dignified social settings.

It has been referred to as a beautiful factory for its sustainable and less polluting features when compared with other industries.

But can a winery or a vineyard be more than just wine?


A winery and a vineyard share a unique relationship with each other. A winery is an exploration of boundaries between a man-made structure and a natural landscape. Winery architecture plays a key role in the total tasting experience.

The industry has been responsible for growing the tourism market rapidly in places like Cape Town. Wine business proves to be a bright light in a very gloomy economy of South Africa. The beauty of wine tourism is that it not only helps to establish a personal connection with consumers, provides a taste of cultural diversity, but also has the potential to significantly grow the job market.

Kayamandi, a place not more than 55kms away from Cape Town yet miles away in terms of economy, tourism and job availability. The township is located in the proximity of a huge water body acting as a natural source of irrigation, overlooking one of the most beautiful vineyards in the world. Kayamandi sits on a hill full of potential for creating a modern-day winery that not works for providing an experience but also for the upliftment of the economically backward area and thereof developing the urban fabric of the township.

Challenge: Designing a modern-day winery that not only provides a complete consumer experience but also contributes towards the socio-economic development of the community around it. Where the flow of visitors triggers social and cultural interaction.


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