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Конкурс мебельного дизайна Cesare Roversi

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 15.03.2020
  dead-line подачи проектов: 15.03.2020
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Италия
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: €100
  награда: I место - €5000; II место - €2000; III место - €1000
  организатор: Competitions for Designers
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Roversi Design Award
  Конкурс оценивает интерьерные проекты с использованием мебельной системы 6х6 от итальянского бренда Cesare Roversi. Это серия простых и элегантных элементов, которые могут формировать различные пространства с разнообразным функционалом. Задача конкурсантов – продемонстрировать возможности использования системы в жилых, рабочих, общественных, выставочных и других пространствах.
Fluidity. This seems to be the fundamental and most inescapable principle of life and contemporary design.

In the digital age, the outcomes and transformations of time are not yet fully decipherable, and the only certainty is that everything changes and evolves at its own pace compared to the past.

Today more than ever, life is about dynamism, change, searching for consecutive and precarious balance points, and architecture as a physical space is no exception to these rules.

Workspaces are no longer bound to a place and a location. They are contexts of relationship, exchange and discussion. Housing is no longer intended as a life project, but as a consumer good, and it is even better if it can be used over a short amount of time and without constraints. In turn, the spaces of culture take on an ephemeral dimension, as culture is increasingly affected by events, installations and temporary exhibitions.

What then is the role of architecture in the 4.0 era?

It is intended as a piece of software, a device or a reconfigurable application, which can evolve in complex systems and grafts on the enormous hardware inherited from the past. That is to say, to major architectures that are no longer sustainable, often redesigned and internally reconfigured to serve as containers of modern fluidity.

Cesare Roversi is one of the most qualified and influential interpreters of such fluidity.

Cesare Roversi is a leading company with an artisan soul and over the past 70 years it has been one of the most well-known brands of Italian furniture. Thanks to the work of expert yet delicate and skilful hands, simple furnishing elements became works of art enriched by shapes and designs that defied time. Masters of design such as Michele de Lucchi and Tobia Scarpa conceived these works.

- A company that has been shaping the future for seventy years, and that keeps wondering what the spaces of the future will look like.

Today, this is a question that Cesare Roversi asks designers, inviting them to imagine life, work and amusement in the 4.0 era of fluidity and dematerialization. Either way, what is sure is that quality, excellence and passion for design will play a fundamental role in the life of the future.


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