Участникам предлагается наделить архитектуру внешним сходством или сильными качествами паука (к примеру, способность к регенерации). Формат и масштаб проекта можно выбрать самостоятельно: это может быть здание или комплекс зданий, работа с ландшафтом или городскими территориями. Никаких ограничений фантазии конкурсантов нет.
Even though scary to look at, spiders are one of the most impressive and well-equipped animals on earth. They have unusually long, scurrying legs with an elevated body and primarily interact with the world through tactile sensation. They are social in nature and build a communal web to catch prey. Also spiders have the ability to regenerate and they molt to grow larger.
Bearing in mind the innumerable qualities of the spider it is up to the participants how uniquely they study and identify a quality and innovatively implement in architecture to make it better. Participants are free to choose what element of a building / structure / area / volume / landscape etc. they want to implement their idea and ispiration on.