Фотоконкурс посвящен исследованию пост-социалистического пространства. Принимаются работы, сделанные в любом из бывших социалистических государств. Снимки не обязательно должны быть свежими – принимаются и работы прошлых лет/десятилетий.
Open call for photography submissions on the topic of post-Socialist microdistricts (a.k.a.'microrayons') taken in any of the former Socialist states. The images should deal with the urban context of the microdistricts. We are interested in recent images as well as photographs taken in the past, including:
panoramic images of the microdistricts
images that reflect the urban context
images of unique buildings, or other esthetically characteristic objects
images that reflect contemporary transformations, adaptations of the built environment or vernacular architecture
The winners will be awarded:
two prizes of 500€ and 200€ for first and second place
publication of the best photographs
presentation of photographs at urban festivals like CANactions Kyiv, Tbilisi Architecture Biennial