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Школа искусств в Вене

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 10.04.2020
  dead-line подачи проектов: 10.04.2020
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Австрия
  город: Вена
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от €15 до €30
  награда: €500
  организатор: STaRT for talents
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  #WIENCALL - Ideas for a new contemporary Arts School
  Задача участников – представить, какой могла бы стать новая современная школа искусств в Вене. Это должна быть своего рода лаборатория архитектуры, фотографии, живописи и скульптуры, куда будут включены также выставочные залы и площадки для мероприятий. Архитектурный облик школы должен отражать ее внутреннее содержание, при этом органично дополняя сложившийся городской контекст.
Wien maintains the its indentity without renouncing to innovative thrusts. The capital of Austria consists of twenty-three districts: Innere Stadt, bordered by a ring of trees that retraces the demolished defensive walls, identifies the ancient center. Tree-lined avenues and sinuous baroque buildings are the signs of greater identity of a place that, at the beginning of the twentieth century, experienced its greatest cultural splendor; known as the Viennese Secession – an artistic movement aimed at the fusion of the arts – it recognized Otto Wagner and Gustav Klimt as the main founder of the period. The Library Center by Zaha Hadid and the Vienna Twin Towes signed by the Fuksas studio are some of the constructed episodes that have characterized the urban expansion of the last twenty years. In this scene we propose to design the new School of Arts, an architecture that can be a container of avant-gardes of a contemporary style. Laboratory of architecture, photography, painting and sculpture will be joined by exhibition halls and event areas that will give life to moments of confrontation and interaction with the local community. Reassembling part of an urban fabric surrounded by important city museums, the building will be the closure for a new district for culture.


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