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SCOPE BLN - резидентская программа

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 20.01.2020
  dead-line подачи проектов: 20.01.2020
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Германия
  город: Берлин
  открыт для: архитекторов и ландшафтных дизайнеров
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  контакты: [email protected]
  ссылки: Официальный сайт программы
  SCOPE BLN Artists in Residence, Berlin
  SCOPE BLN – резиденция для архитекторов, художников и ландшафтных дизайнеров, которым предоставляется возможность в течение трех месяцев поработать над преображением одного из дворов Берлина. Организаторы предлагают компенсацию транспортных расходов, обеспечивают участников жильем, сопровождают процесс реализации проекта, проводят экскурсии и другие мероприятия.
SCOPE BLN – Artists in Residence program is announcing an open call for professional(s), working in the field of landscape design, architecture, Land Art and environmental art who is/are interested in spending up to 3 months in Berlin. The residency gives the possibility to realize a site-specific project for the courtyard of the residential building and artistic concept - SCOPE BLN. The open call addresses professionals who develop projects related to conceptual, artistic, architectural and site-specific issues. We are looking for a new and innovative interpretation of the residential space, investigating the relationship between humanity, technology, nature and the need of sustainability and mindfulness.

What does SCOPE BLN AiR offer?

_ Travel expenses
_ A studio and living space about 25 sq. m. (shared bathroom and kitchen)
_ Production support and coverage of the realization of the project
_ Open studio in the presence of curators, artists, architects, designers, specialists in the field of site-specific art and urbanistic
_ Visits of established architectural studios, contemporary art institutions and major exhibitions in Berlin
_ Public presentation of the project and an official event for the opening after the realization of the project

What are the requirements of the open call?

_ Experience in implementation of site-specific artistic and architectural works for open / public space
_ Ability to create innovative, artistic and at the same time functional projects
_ Good knowledge of botany and gardening
_ Knowledge of materials and their functionalities (i.e. environmentally friendly)
_ Awareness of community requirements
_ Consideration of the topic of mindfulness
_ Experience in work with architectural features and electrical systems
_ Good knowledge of English or German

What is SCOPE BLN – Artists in Residence?

SCOPE BLN – Artists in Residence is a new program in the city of Berlin, located in the district of Moabit – an area with a multicultural strong identity, which has recently developed a new, dynamic art and culture scene.

SCOPE BLN – Artists in Residence is oriented towards national and international artists, architects, designers and curators, by inviting professionals working interdisciplinary and seeking a creative artistic experiment, exchange, professional collaboration and development in a diverse environment.

SCOPE BLN – Artists in Residence is part of a bigger project, SCOPE BLN, which aims to bring creative people under the same roof. It is work-in progress and intervention in space and a new way to interact with ourselves and others. It provides space for creativity and gives new impulses to those who come in touch with it. It uses and interprets space in an innovative way to inspire you to cross the lines of the common and enter the realm of the unusual, new and innovative. The development of the courtyard of the building is an integral part of the whole concept of SCOPE BLN.


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