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Ro Plastic Prize 2020

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 22.02.2020
  dead-line подачи проектов: 22.02.2020
  тема: Дизайн
  страна: Италия
  город: Милан
  открыт для: дизайнеров
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: пять призов по €10 000
  организатор: Rossana Orlandi Srl
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Конкурс Россаны Орланди в области экологичного дизайна
  Конкурс отмечает лучшие проекты в области решения «пластиковой проблемы». Участники могут представить нестандартные идеи повторного использования пластика в пяти категориях: промышленный дизайн, инновационный текстиль, упаковочные решения, инновационные и коммуникационные проекты. Победитель в каждой категории получит €10 000, а лучшие проекты будут представлены в галерее Россаны Орланди во время выставки Fuorisalone 2020 Salone Internazionale del Mobile в Милане.
Plastic was invented in the late 1800’s. Since its invention, over 8 billion metric tons have been globally produced and more than 50% has been discarded or incinerated. This number is constantly growing: over 322 million metric tons are produced each year, and 8 million metric tons end up in our oceans. This is threatening the health of the marine ecosystems and sea-life. All plastic that is not properly disposed of is toxic in nature, not only at sea but on land. The invention of this class of materials was revolutionary and still today polymers are essential in many industries and goods. While researchers are constantly developing biodegradable polymers, what can be done to lessen the burden of oil-based plastics on the ecosystems? Today plastic trash is one of the biggest resources available: plastic has huge possibilities and potentials if transformed .

We need to embrace the power of design and acknowledge the impact it can have. Ro Plastic Prize wishes to unite the design community in the challenge to use plastic waste before it reaches the waterways and to promote the next generation of design: plastic re-using, recycling and upcycling are the challenges that this prize wishes to bring to the global design community.

Rossana Orlandi is launching the 2nd edition of Ro Plastic Prize to challenge and inspire the design community to think differently about how objects are made. The best projects will be presented as finalists at Rossana Orlandi Gallery during the Fuorisalone of the 2020 Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan. An international jury of professionals and experts will select the winners among the finalists, one for each category, who will receive a prize of 10.000€.


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