Supergau – фестиваль лэнд-арта, который пройдет в Австрии в 2021 году. По итогам конкурса планируется выбрать 30 участников. Гранты на реализацию проектов – от €1000 до €30 000. Поскольку для проведения фестиваля выбрана территория в сельской местности, задача участников – подчеркнуть ее ценность и преимущества перед городом.
SUPERGAU is an imaginary landscape, a culturally virgin landscape. SUPERGAU needs no buildings, no nostalgia, no tradition. SUPERGAU is a landscape where art is something new, something that still has to find a place, a landscape where anyone can be a viewer and no-one is an expert.SUPERGAU is free of the weight of the city with its programmed cultural spaces, free of museums, theatres, cabarets and salons that have to be filled with target groups. It is free of the concept of public space, SUPERGAU knows only landscape. SUPERGAU is area. SUPERGAU has fo-rest and meadow landscape, seascape, residential landscape, tarmac and concrete landscape. In SUPERGAU, all these forms of landscape can become stages, scenes of artistic action.SUPERGAU turns things inside-out, declaring the countryside a cultural centre and the city periphery. Cultural spaces are inverted, and are suddenly roofless museums, theatres, cabarets and salons, without walls, and thus boundless. SUPERGAU is temporary. Work on and in it will take two years, culminating in a ten-day festival.